Simon Kenton Chapter History

The History of the Northern Kentucky –Simon Kenton Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution

Chartered by the Kentucky Society on March 28, 2009, at the annual Kentucky Society meeting in Lexington, Kentucky at the Immanuel Baptist Church

Harry Geimeier, James B. Strohmeier, Preston T. Higgins, II, Thomas E. Geimeier, Ray Hughes, George McCain

28 Mar 2009 state meeting, from L to R, Harry Geimeier, James B. Strohmeier, Preston T. Higgins, II, Thomas E. Geimeier, Ray Hughes, George McCain


 The initial idea of forming a separate Northern Kentucky chapter evolved from conversations among a variety of Northern Kentucky Compatriots, as they traveled to and from the monthly Board of Management meetings, of the Cincinnati Chapter during the period 2006-2008.  Past and present officers of the Cincinnati Chapter who were Kentucky residents were also aware that a substantial number of Cincinnati Compatriots resided in Kentucky and had Kentucky connections. The initial interest had been lukewarm, but the seeds had been planted to eventually create a Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) Chapter from the mother Cincinnati Chapter.

In the summer of 2008 Tom Geimeier was asked to be the keynote speaker at the Central States SAR District meeting ( Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia) on October 18 to be held at the Radisson Hotel in Covington. Steve Emery, Vice President of the District voluteered Tom to speak on the famous area of Kenton County known as “The Point.”  George McCain, Tom and Harry Geimeier met and decided this would be a good opportunity to speak with the current President of the Kentucky Society, David Cartmell. President Cartmell did not stay for the evening presentation, but there was a conversation regarding the formation of a new Kentucky Chapter. It was suggested that a formal letter be sent detailing our requests and actions desired.

A formal letter was immediately typed to David Cartmell, in Maysville, and the Kentucky Society, but was not sent until about a month later. The request asked for the Society to place the possible formation of a new Chapter on the agenda of the next state Society meeting.  The reason for the delay was to allow time to contact interested Compatriots and determine if a new chapter would have a strong, talented, and committed base to “hit the ground running” if our Chapter became a reality.

Several months passed without a response. Harry Geimeier and George McCain suggested Tom follow up with the Kentucky Society President for a status report on our request. Tom contacted President David Cartmell, and 2009 President-elect Tom Higgins, in February and found out the next Society meeting was the following week. Our request was to be placed on the agenda and discussed so it could be voted on at the annual State meeting scheduled for March 28 in Lexington. Tom Higgins agreed to come to George McCain’s house with President–elect 2010, Jim Strohmeier, on March 14 to meet with a representative group of the potential new Chapter Compatriots. George decided to call a pre-meeting on March 10 to discuss interim officers, By-Laws, financial accounts, grants, membership rosters, and the other essentials necessary to expedite the quick start of the Chapter.

The March 10 meeting was attended by George McCain, Harry Geimeier, Tom Geimeier, and Ray Hughes. Numerous Compatriots were contacted and if unable to attend their opinions and input was utilized for ownership and consensus. The potential members of the new Chapter were to be contacted by the above named Compatriots and invited to the meeting on Saturday, March 14 with Tom Higgins and Jim Strohmeier. George asked that each potential member be prepared to sign the Charter and contribute a “record copy” of their original application. George also asked that each new member contribute from $20. – $100. as “seed money”  for the Chapter.

Attendees at the March 14 meeting included: George McCain, Joshua McCain, McCain, Terry Collis, Harry Geimeier, Tom Geimeier, Jackie Miller, Ray Hughes, Jeff Hampton, Jim Strohmeier, and Tom Higgins. Each Compatriot gave some background information and discussed the service of their Patriot ancestor. A question and answer session followed about requirements for finalizing the new Chapter and obtaining the Charter. Tom Higgins also brought a CD with the activities of his Chapter during the 2008 year.

President–elect, Tom Higgins,  stated that the annual meeting of the Kentucky Society was going to be held in Lexington on March 28. Now with the  paperwork in order there was the possibility of leaving with an approved Charter. George Hughes, Tom Geimeier, Harry Geimeier, and George McCain contacted all potential members and made arrangements for them to sign the Charter and pick up the necessary paperwork. 23 names signed the original Charter and all necessary documentation was ready for the meeting on the 28th.

George McCain set up a meeting on March 25 with Jim Schaffer, President of the Cincinnati Chapter, Jack Langlitz, Chapter and State Secretary, and Paul Wilke, past Ohio Society President, Chapter President, and SAR National Trustee.  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the reasons for forming the new Chapter and insuring the Cincinnati Chapter that most of the active members and officers would maintain a dual status and continue their efforts in both Chapters. The meeting was also to insure there would be a cooperative and amiable relationship between the two Chapters.  Paul Wilke also signed the Northern Kentucky- Simon Kenton Charter and has the distinction of being a member of every state society in the Central States District. The final number of names on the Charter was 23, with Compatriot David L. Boone needing to be re-instated.  The number was evenly split between transfers and those asking for dual enrollment status.

George McCain, Ray Hughes, Jackie Miller, Harry Geimeier, and Tom Geimeier made the trip to Lexington on the 28th and participated in the CAR and Kentucky Society’s annual meeting. Under old business a motion was made to create new Chapter and award a Society Charter. The members of the Simon Kenton contingent were asked to come to the stage and introduce themselves. George McCain discussed the formation steps and goals of the Simon Kenton Chapter.

SK Charter Photos courtesy of Preston T. Higgins, II

The Simon Kenton Chapter of the Kentucky Society of the Sons of the American Revolution had 23 members who signed the official Charter and became Charter/ Founding members. This was an historic event for the Kentucky Society. The Simon Kenton members will continue to support the Cincinnati and many members will continue to serve as officers and committee chairman with dual membership status.

The first official meeting of the Chapter will be on Wednesday, April 8 2009, at the Commonwealth Hilton in Florence. The first official functions of the Simon Kenton Chapter were to set up a booth at the annual Northern Kentucky University History Day; and to participate in a DAR, District 5, Genealogy Workshop at the Scheben Branch of the Boone County Library on Saturday, April 18.

Charter members of the Simon Kenton Chapter who signed the original Charter and who were duly processed by the Kentucky Society Secretary, William Schrader were:

Transfers from the Cincinnati Chapter to the Simon Kenton Chapter

Harry Jones Boone        SAR #167925      KY #3416   ANC Jonathon Boone  NC

Raleigh Davidson           SAR #170281      KY #3418    ANC Daniel Davidson   VA

Adam C. Geimeier          SAR #168118      KY #3419   ANC John McGlasson  VA

Thomas W. Woolridge    SAR#17194         KY #3422   ANC Elijah Williams  VA

Raymond D. Hughes      SAR #169836       KY #3427   ANC George Fry  VA

Raymond G. Hughes     SAR #169835       KY #3428   ANC George Fry  VA

George S. McCain         SAR #170772       KY #3429   ANC James Blackburn VA

George W. McCain        SAR #167311        KY #3430   ANC James Blackburn VA

Joshua L. McCain          SAR #170773        KY #3431   ANC James Blackburn VA

Paul L. Morrison            SAR #172044     KY #3434      ANC  John Morrison  VA

James R. Phillips           SAR #168038     KY #3435      ANC William Phillips VA

Kurtis M. H. Phillips       SAR #168039     KY #3436      ANC William Phillips VA

Dual members of the KYSSAR and the OHSSAR

Terry C. Collis               SAR #159159     KY #3417    ANC Nehemiah Howe VT

Thomas E. Geimeier     SAR #161997     KY #3420     ANC Joshua Owings MD

Harry D. Geimeier         SAR #161998     KY #3421     ANC Joshua Owings MD

Bryon C. Greene           SAR #159630     KY #3423     ANC John Lopp Sr. NC

Martin L. Greene           SAR #152699     KY #3424     ANC John Lopp Sr. NC

Ryan C. Greene             SAR #162052     KY #3425     ANC John Lopp Sr. NC

Jeffrey Hampton            SAR #155953     KY #3426    ANC John Scalf VA

Donald E. Meihaus        SAR #163051     KY 3432       ANC Jonathon Tipton NC

Jackie Dean Miller         SAR #168165     KY #3433     ANC William Bates NC

Paul E. Tipton                SAR #162607    KY #3437     ANC Jonathon Tipton NC

Paul M. Wilke                SAR # 150107    KY 3438       ANC Michael Emerick PA

Additional members to the Chapter included: Our first official new member James E. Hough whose Patriot ancestor was Moses Hough of New Jersey.

Respectfully submitted, April 8, 2009

Tom E. Geimeier, Secretary, 1st VP                               George McCain, President